正值秋季,初冬將至,Dua Lipa以一襲Supreme Schott黑色皮褸出現在英國倫敦,前往BBC電台錄製節目,為新專輯《Houdini》造勢。Dua Lipa上身的該款皮褸由超大衣領構成,呈現做舊材質面料,內搭藍色Polo上衣和黑色牛仔褲煥新都市與休閒,再穿上Versace Medusa高跟踝靴,黑色太陽眼鏡和十字架頸鏈詮釋灑脫態度,櫻桃紅髮色更是成為造型的點睛之筆。
今年秋季,Kylie Jenner、Kim Kardashian等人氣明星紛紛上身黑色皮褸,無論是浪漫的法式風情,還是酷感十足的美式風格,黑色皮樓總能為穿搭帶來別具一格的視覺效果,保暖禦寒的同時,還能保有一份冷豔不羈的姿態。
Kylie Jenner早前為其個人時裝品牌「khy」造勢,她率先上身黑色皮樓,其廓形輪廓、收腰設計及流線型線條,呈現出簡約俐落的視覺效果,皮革質感釋放張揚獨特氣場,表達細膩質感背後的自由態度,揭啟氣場全開的「khy」型格。
Kim Kardashian在9月以一襲黑色超長款皮樓現身紐約,外套的俐落剪裁盡顯無拘姿態,注入對質感的獨特追求,內搭同色系打底衫和褲裝,手持Balenciaga Hourglass銀色手袋點亮全身造型,優雅韻致觸手可及。

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 13: Kim Kardashian is seen in Midtown Manhattanon September 13, 2023 in New York City. (Photo by Raymond Hall/GC Images )

PARIS, FRANCE - MARCH 05: A model is seen wearing a black trench coat, white shirt, black vest, light blue jeans and gray shoes outside the Balenciaga show during Paris Fashion Week F/W 2023 on March 05, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Daniel Zuchnik/Getty Images)

COPENHAGEN, DENMARK - AUGUST 10: A guest wears black sunglasses, orange large earrings, a multicolored print pattern silk large shirt, a black shiny varnished leather long coat, a white feathers shoulder bag, dark gray denim fringed wide legs pants, black laces ankle sneakers from Converse All Star , outside Helmstedt, during the Copenhagen Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2024 on August 10, 2023 in Copenhagen, Denmark. (Photo by Edward Berthelot/Getty Images)

PARIS, FRANCE - MARCH 05: Diana Milkanova is seen wearing a black leather trench coat, white top, blue jeans and black bag outside the Palm Angels show during Paris Fashion Week F/W 2023 on March 05, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Daniel Zuchnik/Getty Images)

COPENHAGEN, DENMARK - AUGUST 09: Alyy Space wears black sunglasses, a black hoodie sweater, a black shiny leather belted long trench coat, a black shiny leather handbag, black shiny leather ankle boots , outside Henrik Vibskov, during the Copenhagen Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2024 on August 09, 2023 in Copenhagen, Denmark. (Photo by Edward Berthelot/Getty Images)

PARIS, FRANCE - SEPTEMBER 28: Jessie Andrews is seen wearing a black Givenchy trench coat and black sunglasses with black heels outside the Givenchy show during the Womenswear Spring/Summer 2024 as part of Paris Fashion Week on September 28, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Daniel Zuchnik/Getty Images)

PARIS, FRANCE - SEPTEMBER 29: Chloe Harrouche wears sunglasses, golden earrings, a blue long leather trench coat, a leather gathered bag, pointed shoes, outside Loewe, during the Womenswear Spring/Summer 2024 as part of Paris Fashion Week on September 29, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Edward Berthelot/Getty Images)

PARIS, FRANCE - MARCH 04: Leonie Hanne is seen wearing a black leather trench coat, orange Hermes dress, Hermes lime green bag, black Hermes shoes and black sunglasses outside the Hermes show during Paris Fashion Week F/W 2023 on March 04, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Daniel Zuchnik/Getty Images)
Hillary Huang