以往不少品牌處理庫存的方式引起爭議,譬如H&M在2018年被指寧願焚燒12 噸庫存,也不願降價出售。由於受到環保團體的指控,為避免品牌通過焚燒來處理多餘庫存,法國於今年3月提出了一項禁令,禁止品牌焚燒產品,歐盟也迅速採取了類似舉措,將涵蓋整個27個國家的集團。

NEW YORK - DECEMBER 26: Shoppers look for sale items in an H & M store December 26, 2007 in New York City. Deep discounts were being offered nationwide by retailers on the day after Christmas during a holiday season that has been slower than expected. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

FLORENCE, ITALY - NOVEMBER 5, 2015: The Louis Vuitton store in Florence, Italy, is in the historic Piazza degli Strozzi. The luxury brand is known for its signature monogrammed handbags and luggage and chick apparel. (Photo by Robert Alexander/Getty Images)
意大利品牌Brunello Cucinelli,決定因疫情危機而未能售出的物品將進行人道主義捐贈,此批產品的產值為3000萬歐元,並帶有 “Brunello Cucinelli for Humanity” 標籤。而 Louis Vuitton 母公司 LVMH 集團與回收商 Nordechets 達成合作來避免沒有賣出的產品被銷毀,更表示未來或會把滯銷庫存贈送給慈善機構,馬上獲得外界好評。希望更多的企業有這份社會良心,減少造成浪費。
Christopher Lai