「珠寶不是讓女人看起來更富有,而是更美麗。」 Coco Chanel 曾如是說。 而因為她的創意永遠前衛、對高貴的定義永遠獨特,出自她手中的美麗也永遠超越時代視野。 今年隽永的香氛 Chanel N° 5 誕生 100 週年,品牌首次推出以香水為主題的高級珠寶系列——構思就 像一場 N° 5 香氛靈魂的蜿蜒之旅,以瓶身的經典設計、及面世至今無可取代的氣味為靈感,幻化成詩 意又活潑的珠寶,連結兩個截然不同、卻同樣高貴精緻的宇宙。

N°5 DROP necklace in yellow gold, diamonds and yellow beryl, N°5 DROP earrings in yellow gold, diamonds and yellow beryl, all Chanel High Jewellery. Top, Chanel.
GOLDEN BURST necklace in yellow gold, platinum, diamonds and topaz, Chanel High Jewellery.

GRAPHIC N°5 earrings in white gold and diamonds, GRAPHIC N°5 ring in white gold and diamonds, all Chanel High Jewellery. Dress, Chanel.

GRASSE JASMINE asymmetrical earrings in white gold, yellow gold and diamonds, GRASSE JASMINE necklace in white gold, yellow gold and diamonds, all Chanel High Jewellery. Top and dress, all Chanel.

RIBBON STOPPER ring in white gold, diamonds, rock crystal and onyx, Chanel High Jewellery. Cardigan, Chanel.
Photographer: Marcus Ohlsson
Fashion Director: Sean Kunjambu
Model: Yumi Lambert @ IMG Models Worldwide
Makeup Artist: Patrick Glatthaar @ Total Management
Hair Stylist: Kalle Eklund @ LundLund Agency
Manicurist: Sylvie Vacca @ Noob Agency
Digital Technician: Filip Hanning
Casting & Production: Marina Fairfax
Styling Assistants: Emmanuelle Ramos @ Noob Agency & Alex Salle de Chou
Local Production: Matthieu Perdrizet
Cover Wardrobe & Jewellery: Chanel
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