逾 70 歲的 Patrizio Bertelli 與 Miuccia Prada 夫婦在 2018 年任命由長子 Lorenzo Bertelli 接掌 Prada 這座千億時裝王國,先開始在集團中擔任數碼傳訊部門總監再成為首席行政總監,做到真正的品牌繼承人。Prada 新董事會於 5 月 27 日選舉產生,由 9名成員組成,任期三年,Lorenzo Bertelli 將持有該公司50.5%股權。
事實上,今年 34 歲的 Lorenzo Bertelli 外型相當討好,完全是標準的意大利俊男,當初他更放棄自己以賽車手作為終身職業的夢想,全程投入家族生意;消息在兩年前一出,加上其帥氣外表,好一度成為熱話。(題外話,他與 Miuccia Prada 同樣是5月10日生日,可說是真正的金牛座母子。)
年紀輕輕成為商業才俊的 Lorenzo Bertelli,深明年輕人市場的需求,能夠適時地提供專業意見,Gen Z 最為關心的可持續時尚正是他當下認為必須實行的策略。他在去年3月接受《Vogue Business》時表示:「最大的可持續性挑戰是減少碳排放,特別是生產過程,鼓勵供應商轉變為可持續的材料和能源是最艱鉅的任務。更多的政府支持是有所幫助,像我們這樣的大集團同樣擁有這種變化的推動力。」
從專業賽車手到千億時裝王國「話事人」,Lorenzo Bertelli 的一舉一動都散發男神氣息,且用10張照片說明何謂真正的 Prada Boy 吧:

MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 22: Lorenzo Bertelli poses in the Winners Room at The Green Carpet Fashion Awards, Italia 2019, hosted by CNMI & Eco-Age, at Teatro Alla Scala on September 22, 2019 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images for Eco-Age Ltd)

VILLA CARLOS PAZ, ARGENTINA - APRIL 29: Portrait of Lorenzo Bertelli of Italy taken during Day Two of the WRC Argentina on April 29, 2017 in Villa Carlos Paz, Argentina. (Photo by Massimo Bettiol/Getty Images,)

DEESIDE, WALES - OCTOBER 30: Portrait of Lorenzo Bertelli of Italy during Day Three of the WRC Great Britain on October 30, 2016 in Deeside, Wales. (Photo by Massimo Bettiol/Getty Images)

GAP, FRANCE - JANUARY 20: Lorenzo Bertelli of Italy and Simone Scattolin of Italy compete in their FWRT Ford Fiesta RS WRC during the Shakedown of the WRC Monte Carlo on January 20, 2016 in Gap, France. (Photo by Massimo Bettiol/Getty Images)

Lorenzo Bertelli of FWRT, at the podium ceremony during the last day of Rally RACC Catalunya, on October 16, 2016 in Salou, Spain. (Photo by Joan Cros/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

MIAMI, FL - DECEMBER 07: Craig Robbins and Lorenzo Bertelli attend Prada Double Club Miami, A Carsten Holler Project at Ice Palace Film Studios on December 7, 2017 in Miami, Florida. (Photo by Alexander Tamargo/Getty Images for Prada)

MILAN, ITALY - MAY 03: Massimiliano Gioni, Paris Murray, Cecilia Alemani, Marc Spiegler, Germano Celant and Lorenzo Bertelli attends the Fondazione Prada Opening on May 3, 2015 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Stefania D'Alessandro/Getty Images for Fondazione Prada)
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Simon Au