皇室御用的攝影師 Jayne Fincher 為皇室工作將近20年,在1998年的時候便出版過《Diana Portrait of a Princess》的攝影集,紀錄戴安娜王妃的動人時刻。曾與皇室共度的親密時光的 Jayne Fincher,某個程度上更是看着威廉王子和哈里王子長大,他們從小任何事情都是一起的。

The Princess of Wales greets her sons Prince William and Prince Harry on the deck of the yacht Britannia in Toronto, when they joined their parents on an official visit to Canada, 23rd October 1991. The Princess is wearing a Moschino suit. (Photo by Jayne Fincher/Princess Diana Archive/Getty Images)

The Princess of Wales greets her sons Prince William and Prince Harry on the deck of the yacht Britannia in Toronto, when they joined their parents on an official visit to Canada, 23rd October 1991. The Princess is wearing a Moschino suit. (Photo by Jayne Fincher/Princess Diana Archive/Getty Images)

但自從哈里王子和妻子梅根辭去皇室高級成員之後,哈里王子便曾在電視紀錄片中提及,自己與威廉之間「在此時此刻,我們都在不同的道路上」。而英女王和查爾斯王子都陷入傷心和失望之中,而 Jayne Fincher 更表示如果戴安娜王妃看見會感到心碎。

「戴安娜會竭盡全力去嘗試和解決,也會儘量做調停人。」並且會輕輕搖着兩個孩子的頭,問他們發生甚麼,為他們之間建立和平,Jayne Fincher 跟外國媒體透露。戴安娜王妃的離世後,其實兩兄弟都曾經有影形不離的時候,曾在哈里婚禮上,稱威廉為「完美哥哥」,更表示 Kate 如同姐姐般照顧自己,更隨後看見這三人組合出席活動。

The Princess Of Wales And Princes William & Harry Attend The Vj Day 50Th Anniversary Celebrations In London. . (Photo by Antony Jones/Julian Parker/UK Press via Getty Images)

The Princess Of Wales And Princes William & Harry Attend The Vj Day 50Th Anniversary Celebrations In London. . (Photo by Antony Jones/Julian Parker/UK Press via Getty Images)


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