Boghossian創意總監Edmond Chin(陳智安)

Boghossian創意總監Edmond Chin(陳智安)


Edmond Chin 

「我執」是佛教哲學中被認為是眾生無明苦惱的來源。那種凡事以「我」為中心,往往會束縛自己,結果難有突破。作為瑞士的高級珠寶品牌Boghossian的創意總監,Edmond Chin (陳智安)便因為其與眾不同的專業背景和歷練,而得以放下「我執」,自在穿梭於超越地域、時代、文化和藝術風格的珠寶宇宙,在最新高級珠寶系列「寰宇宮殿」(Palace Voyages Collection),我們便能夠一睹Edmond Chin觀照整體的大智慧。

Edmond Chin 出生於新加坡,畢業於牛津大學地理系,自幼對寶石和珠寶設計極感興趣,曾先後當過國家級博物館珠寶展覽策展人、世界知名拍賣行珠寶部門主管和創立自家高級珠寶品牌,至2015年出任Boghossian創意總監。Edmond設計的珠寶作品屢屢被世界權威拍賣行刊登在拍賣目錄封面,並多次刷新世界拍賣紀錄。與一般珠寶設計師截然不同的是,他在珠寶創作上從不強調個人風格,他相信自己的使命只在於充份發揮寶石天賦的美麗和價值,而成功的珠寶設計就在於,當佩戴者把它們穿起來時,旁人都會讚嘆說:「天哪!你看起來好美啊!」 

Photo courtesy of Boghossian

Photo courtesy of Boghossian


Vogue HK:您以「宮殿」作為最新系列的創作主題,那麼在你看來,「宮殿」代表了怎樣的文化藝術精粹?
Edmond Chin:宮殿是薈萃一個國家或歷史時期最好的裝飾藝術的地方。我們這次嘗試抓住每個宮殿的獨有特徵,並將其融入到相關珠寶設計上。但畢竟宮殿是大型建築結構,而珠寶卻很細小,難以直接微縮到珠寶設計上。因此,在某些作品中,我們採取「隱喻」的方法,用某些材料來代表宮殿的元素,例如在Golestan珠寶套組中,便以不同切割的鑽石、珍珠母貝和刻面水晶,來勾起人們對Golestan鏡廳層層疊疊的鏡子聯想。

Photo courtesy of Boghossian

Photo courtesy of Boghossian

EB9CD2 Interior of Frederick The Great's Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam.
BEIJING, CHINA - NOVEMBER 10: (CHINA OUT) The interior decorations of the Juanqin Studio are seen after its renovation in the Forbidden City on November 10, 2008 in Beijing, China. Juanqin Studio (or "Juanqin Zhai"), is one of the most luxurious buildings in the Forbidden City built for Qing Emperor Qianlong (1711-1799). Juanqin Studio has nine rooms including a well-kept opera stage. Many exquisite artworks and materials can be seen in the building, including a Tongjing Painting drawn in part by the imperial painter Lang Shining. (Photo by China Photos/Getty Images)
Moonlit twilight over Alhambra Palace
Magnolias are a messenger of spring in the eyes of the Summer Palace, Beijing, China, 31 March 2018. Emperor Qianlong planted a magnolia tree at the Summer Palace during the Qing Dynasty 200 years ago. The oldest magnolia tree is said to be the 350-year-old one at Dajue Temple in suburban Beijing. (Photo credit should read Jinxue Li/Future Publishing via Getty Images)
D4M4FC africa, morocco, marrakech, palais de la bahia, decoration
B6F7D9 Banqueting Room Chandelier Royal Pavilion Brighton. Image shot 1984. Exact date unknown.
KERREB Taman Sari Water Castle, a site of a former royal garden of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta
EB9CD2 Interior of Frederick The Great's Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam.
BEIJING, CHINA - NOVEMBER 10: (CHINA OUT) The interior decorations of the Juanqin Studio are seen after its renovation in the Forbidden City on November 10, 2008 in Beijing, China. Juanqin Studio (or "Juanqin Zhai"), is one of the most luxurious buildings in the Forbidden City built for Qing Emperor Qianlong (1711-1799). Juanqin Studio has nine rooms including a well-kept opera stage. Many exquisite artworks and materials can be seen in the building, including a Tongjing Painting drawn in part by the imperial painter Lang Shining. (Photo by China Photos/Getty Images)
Moonlit twilight over Alhambra Palace
Magnolias are a messenger of spring in the eyes of the Summer Palace, Beijing, China, 31 March 2018. Emperor Qianlong planted a magnolia tree at the Summer Palace during the Qing Dynasty 200 years ago. The oldest magnolia tree is said to be the 350-year-old one at Dajue Temple in suburban Beijing. (Photo credit should read Jinxue Li/Future Publishing via Getty Images)
D4M4FC africa, morocco, marrakech, palais de la bahia, decoration
B6F7D9 Banqueting Room Chandelier Royal Pavilion Brighton. Image shot 1984. Exact date unknown.
KERREB Taman Sari Water Castle, a site of a former royal garden of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta
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Vogue HK:在珍罕寶石、工藝和創意之間,哪一項對您來說最重要?
Edmond Chin:我認為這些元素對創造所有珠寶來說都同樣重要。精湛的工藝當然是基本要求,尤其是如何了解珠寶怎樣「佩戴」。所用寶石的品質保證了作品的價值和稀有性,然而,正是其藝術構思的品質才使作品超越其各部分的總和,並得以凌駕潮流和時尚。

Vogue HK:您會如何判斷一件珠寶的價值?
Edmond Chin:基本而言,一件珠寶具有其材料的內在價值。但正如我上面所說,真正設計精良的原創珠寶的價值肯定遠不止於此,就像一幅偉大畫作不僅僅是顏料和畫布的價值一樣。這些出色的珠寶若被當時得令的品味創造者佩戴,便可以作為一個設計時期的象徵而獲得歷史價值。

Photo courtesy of Boghossian
Photo courtesy of Boghossian
Photo courtesy of Boghossian
Photo courtesy of Boghossian
Photo courtesy of Boghossian
Photo courtesy of Boghossian
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Vogue HK:曾擔任博物館策展人、拍賣行珠寶部主管、獨立珠寶設計師,現在則是Boghossian創意總監,您如何看待這些不同角色,這些經驗對你的職業生涯有何裨益?
Edmond Chin:策展人是通過引人入勝的故事來展示展品。拍賣專家則是利用他們對市場的了解,來評估待售物品的價值。而作為珠寶設計師,便旨在創作能夠探索自己對珠寶形象和技藝理念的作品。對於 Boghossian,我的任務是創作反映品牌歷史並強化形象的高級珠寶。之前的每個專業角色,對現在的工作都有很大幫助,令我得以將 Boghossian 打造成聞名國際的品牌。

Photo courtesy of Boghossian

Photo courtesy of Boghossian

Vogue HK:Boghossian是一家歷史悠久並享負盛名的高級珠寶商,作為其創意總監,您如何平衡傳承與創新?
Edmond Chin:Boghossian的精粹在於它對珠寶藝術卓越的理解和尊重。這個家族擁有海量代表18世紀至20世紀中葉西方珠寶藝術的古董珠寶收藏,而他們非常歡迎我的創新珠寶設計。同時,他們對永恆的珠寶有別具慧眼,堅持創造適合佩戴的比例和設計,這跟我的設計理念如出一轍。

Photo courtesy of Boghossian
Photo courtesy of Boghossian
Photo courtesy of Boghossian
Photo courtesy of Boghossian
Photo courtesy of Boghossian
Photo courtesy of Boghossian
Photo courtesy of Boghossian
Photo courtesy of Boghossian
Photo courtesy of Boghossian
Photo courtesy of Boghossian
Photo courtesy of Boghossian
Photo courtesy of Boghossian
Photo courtesy of Boghossian
Photo courtesy of Boghossian
Photo courtesy of Boghossian
Photo courtesy of Boghossian
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Vogue HK:人工智能可能對珠寶創作產生影響,你有何看法?
Edmond Chin:人工智能在珠寶設計中固然佔有一席之地,但它仍得依賴以人們過去的創作為本。而要在珠寶設計方面實現真正的創新,我相信永遠需要人類設計師的才華。

Photo courtesy of Boghossian

Photo courtesy of Boghossian

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