
在16世紀,現代電燈尚未問世,居禮夫人亦未發現鐳(Radium)這類具放射性的發光物料前,要在黑夜中點燃燈燭讀取時間是件極為不便的事。這種情況下,製錶師們以創新思維,發明能夠發出聲響的報時裝置,最終演變為我們今天所熟知的三問錶(Minute Repeater),方便人們在晚上輕鬆得悉何許時間。

A Emperador coussin 48mm automatic minute repeater watch by watchmaker Piaget, part of luxury goods group Richemont is seen during the opening day of the "Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie" (SIHH) a professional fair in fine eatchmaking on January 21, 2013 in Geneva. Swiss manufacturer of luxury goods Richemont announced sales meet expectations for the third quarter of its 2012 fiscal year to Euro 2.8 billion, up 5% at constant exchange rates and 9% in the real exchange rate. AFP PHOTO / FABRICE COFFRINI (Photo credit should read FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP via Getty Images)

A Emperador coussin 48mm automatic minute repeater watch by watchmaker Piaget, part of luxury goods group Richemont is seen during the opening day of the "Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie" (SIHH) a professional fair in fine eatchmaking on January 21, 2013 in Geneva. Swiss manufacturer of luxury goods Richemont announced sales meet expectations for the third quarter of its 2012 fiscal year to Euro 2.8 billion, up 5% at constant exchange rates and 9% in the real exchange rate. AFP PHOTO / FABRICE COFFRINI (Photo credit should read FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP via Getty Images)


三問錶的中文名字源自其功能:問時、問刻和問分。當使用者,按下微小的按鈕或機關後,內置的小鋼錘便會敲擊音簧,依次發出3種不同音調以達報時之效,通常低音鳴報代表小時,高低音交替鳴報刻鐘,高音則鳴報分鐘。若現在的時間1時35分,三問錶會發出一聲低音以表示1時,兩聲高低合音表示30分,再以5聲高音表達5分。相對應的,只能發出聲響簡單報時、刻的腕錶,則為二問錶(Quarter Repeater)。

The Patek Philippe Top of the Hour-Chime, Jump Hour Digital Display (L) and the Patek Philippe World Time Minute Repeater are on display at Christies New York June 1, 2022, part of what Chritie's calls an auction of Important watches of exceptional provenance featuring the Kairos Collection. (Photo by TIMOTHY A. CLARY / AFP) (Photo by TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP via Getty Images)

The Patek Philippe Top of the Hour-Chime, Jump Hour Digital Display (L) and the Patek Philippe World Time Minute Repeater are on display at Christies New York June 1, 2022, part of what Chritie's calls an auction of Important watches of exceptional provenance featuring the Kairos Collection. (Photo by TIMOTHY A. CLARY / AFP) (Photo by TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP via Getty Images)


三問錶的歷史可追溯至17世紀末。根據記載,英國的製錶工匠丹尼爾·奎爾(Daniel Quare)於1687年成功研發了兩問懷錶,並獲得專利。這款懷錶只需按下一個按鈕,便可在黑暗中透過音鎚敲擊響鈴發出響鳴知曉時間。


鐘錶大師阿伯拉罕-路易·寶璣(Abraham-Louis Breguet)在1783年發明了音簧,革命性地改變問錶的結構。
Photo from Breguet official website
Photo from Breguet official website
鐘錶大師阿伯拉罕-路易·寶璣(Abraham-Louis Breguet)在1783年發明了音簧,革命性地改變問錶的結構。
Photo from Breguet official website
Photo from Breguet official website
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1783年,Breguet創辦人兼著名鐘錶大師阿伯拉罕-路易·寶璣(Abraham-Louis Breguet)發明了專用的音簧,革命性地改變了問錶的結構。這一創新讓音簧裝置能夠環繞於機芯外部,顯著減少了負責響鳴的機械零件體積,並帶來更柔和悅耳的響鳴聲音,為日後三問錶的設計奠定基礎。隨後,Patek Philippe亦於品牌成立同年(1839年)製作了它們第一枚問錶,為日後三問錶市場的領導地位走出了第一步。

Photo from Omega official website

Photo from Omega official website


然而,進入1960年代,隨電燈和石英錶的興起,三問腕錶逐漸淡出市場視野。直到1989年,Patek Philippe決定在公司成立150周年之際重啟三問錶系列,讓鐘錶界再次聚焦於這一極致工藝。

Patek Philippe在1989年推出的Ref 3979三問腕錶,搭載Calibre R 27機芯。
Photo from Patek Philippe official website
Patek Philippe在1989年推出的Ref 3979三問腕錶,搭載Calibre R 27機芯。
Photo from Patek Philippe official website
Calibre R 27機芯
Photo from Patek Philippe official website
Patek Philippe在1989年推出的Ref 3979三問腕錶,搭載Calibre R 27機芯。
Photo from Patek Philippe official website
Patek Philippe在1989年推出的Ref 3979三問腕錶,搭載Calibre R 27機芯。
Photo from Patek Philippe official website
Calibre R 27機芯
Photo from Patek Philippe official website
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Patek Philippe前總裁菲力·斯登(Philippe Stern)



Photo courtesy of Vacheron Constantin

Photo courtesy of Vacheron Constantin


Patek Philippe每枚三問腕錶也經現任公司總裁親自監聽響鳴效果。
Photo from Patek Philippe official website

Patek Philippe每枚三問腕錶也經現任公司總裁親自監聽響鳴效果。

Photo from Patek Philippe official website



7040/250G - Grand Complications腕錶


Patek Philippe

Speedmaster Chrono Chime腕錶




Classique “Grande Complication” 18K 白金三問腕錶



Tribute to Art Deco Style腕錶
Photo from Vacheron Constantin official website

Tribute to Art Deco Style腕錶

Photo from Vacheron Constantin official website