
Louis Vuitton 男裝近年一直探討童心與成年之間的情感關係,2023 秋冬男裝系列時裝展的主題講述一個令人深感共鳴的故事——成長。從童年、青春期到長大成人的成長過程。Michel Gondry 和 Olivier Gondry 於羅浮宮卡利庭院搭建了一間古老的房子,一位男孩於此展開人生的最初階段。由 Rosalía 主理的現場音樂伴奏下,各個房間內代表從重大日子到日常生活的關鍵成長時刻,交織出各種熟悉的場景。這些時刻滿載 Gondry 兄弟的童年回憶:二人共用的睡房,裝飾房間時的興奮感覺,以及被更換前滿佈塗鴉的牆紙等等。

PARIS, FRANCE - JANUARY 19: (EDITORIAL USE ONLY - For Non-Editorial use please seek approval from Fashion House) A model walks the runway during the Louis Vuitton Menswear Fall-Winter 2023-2024 show as part of Paris Fashion Week on January 19, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Arnold Jerocki/Getty Images)

PARIS, FRANCE - JANUARY 19: (EDITORIAL USE ONLY - For Non-Editorial use please seek approval from Fashion House) A model walks the runway during the Louis Vuitton Menswear Fall-Winter 2023-2024 show as part of Paris Fashion Week on January 19, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Arnold Jerocki/Getty Images)

PARIS, FRANCE - JANUARY 19: (EDITORIAL USE ONLY - For Non-Editorial use please seek approval from Fashion House) A model walks the runway during the Louis Vuitton Menswear Fall-Winter 2023-2024 show as part of Paris Fashion Week on January 19, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Arnold Jerocki/Getty Images)

PARIS, FRANCE - JANUARY 19: (EDITORIAL USE ONLY - For Non-Editorial use please seek approval from Fashion House) A model walks the runway during the Louis Vuitton Menswear Fall-Winter 2023-2024 show as part of Paris Fashion Week on January 19, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Arnold Jerocki/Getty Images)


Louis Vuitton 男裝時裝工作室團隊與 Colm Dillane 合作的設計呈現方正而流暢的線條,靈感大概來自大家對千禧年時期西裝造型的記憶,而這種風格亦投射於工作服和運動服上,亦即展現內在童心的傳統「男性」造型。這些服飾以抽象的格紋圖案點綴,而格紋正是成年男性衣著的經典元素,部分格紋呈現經過電腦處理的效果,就像 1990 年代第一代數碼世代青少年熟悉的圖案。滿佈衣物的失焦螢幕截圖將此概念進一步演化,並透過令現今世 代極有共鳴的語句「blurry vision of a bright future」和「FANTASTIC FUTURE?」反映這種比喻性概念。

PARIS, FRANCE - JANUARY 19: (EDITORIAL USE ONLY - For Non-Editorial use please seek approval from Fashion House) A model (bag detail) walks the runway during the Louis Vuitton Menswear Fall-Winter 2023-2024 show as part of Paris Fashion Week on January 19, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Arnold Jerocki/Getty Images)

PARIS, FRANCE - JANUARY 19: (EDITORIAL USE ONLY - For Non-Editorial use please seek approval from Fashion House) A model (bag detail) walks the runway during the Louis Vuitton Menswear Fall-Winter 2023-2024 show as part of Paris Fashion Week on January 19, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Arnold Jerocki/Getty Images)


證據。除了系列的電腦處理題材外,團隊的研究也帶來與 Colm Dillane 共同創作的西裝、袋款和手帕,全部均以皮革碎片組成,並印有工作室成員以母語寫成的真實信件掃瞄影像。與 Colm Dillane 共同構思的針織西裝進一步演繹印記的概念,隨著模特兒走過 Michel Gondry 和 Olivier Gondry 興建的房子,西裝的紗線便會散開,留下記錄的痕跡。

PARIS, FRANCE - JANUARY 19: (EDITORIAL USE ONLY - For Non-Editorial use please seek approval from Fashion House) A model (bag detail) walks the runway during the Louis Vuitton Menswear Fall-Winter 2023-2024 show as part of Paris Fashion Week on January 19, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Arnold Jerocki/Getty Images)

PARIS, FRANCE - JANUARY 19: (EDITORIAL USE ONLY - For Non-Editorial use please seek approval from Fashion House) A model (bag detail) walks the runway during the Louis Vuitton Menswear Fall-Winter 2023-2024 show as part of Paris Fashion Week on January 19, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Arnold Jerocki/Getty Images)

BTS 成員 J Hope  驚喜亮相


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一眾 Louis Vuitton 好友如歌王林俊傑 、 劉以豪以及韓國天團 BTS 成員 J Hope 一起準備欣賞品牌首位客席設計師 Colm Dillane 及其主理品牌 KidSuper 共同打造的 FW23 男裝展,見證歷史性時刻。當中 J Hop 穿上迷彩 total look 的他引起全場哄動,期待他即將會演繹是次客席設計師 Colm Dillane 所打造的全新時尚款式。