

《STEPHY Therefore I Am》紀錄片:經歷時間淬煉後的成長!The Comeback Story After 16 Years

#VogueHongKong #鄧麗欣 #StephyTang #TheSelfIssue 本月刊圍繞着對「WELLNESS」的主題進行探討,除了情緒、自愛等身心靈健康的關鍵字之外,你還聯想到甚麼?當時間的流沙無法逆轉,每一粒沙子的流逝都刻劃着我們成長的足跡。來到新的一年,不如讓我們與香港歌手兼演員 #鄧麗欣 #StephyTang 一同學習「成長」這一門人生課題,將自己交給時間,發現那個過去不敢想像的自己。#VogueHongKong 獨家呈獻一集《 #STEPHYThereforeIAm》紀錄片。一連幾日,跟隨Stephy從夜晚燈火通明的工作室排練,到正式演出的台前幕後,全程紀錄可能只此一次的音樂回歸。當中更與她細談16年後再次踏上演唱會舞台的種種感受,誠邀各位讀者一同見證鏡頭下Stephy是如何經歷蛻變,如何乘着世間智慧在無常天空疾飛,如何擁抱時間的洗禮。 In Vogue Hong Kong's January issue, the theme of wellness takes centre stage. Exploring the significance of spiritual and mental well-being in nurturing personal growth, we dive into the world of singer and actress Stephy Tang. In an intimate documentary, we follow Stephy as she gears up for her comeback concert “STEPHY Therefore I am” after 16 years away from the spotlight. She shares her story and musings on the inevitable passage of time. 詳細專訪

by Cyrick Leung

22 Jan 2024

Video Director: Man Chun
Videographers: Matthew Ma, Donald Fong
Photographer: Lok Yee
Producer: Cyrick Leung
Project Assistant: Harrod To
Special thanks to @kklivehongkong6763