當已故的演員Jane Birkin帶起她的同名包包時,她用各種裝飾品來為手袋增添趣味。眾所周知,Birkin可說是世界上最難買到的手袋,供應量少,有錢也未必買得到。即便如此,Jane Birkin也會大膽而隨意地為手袋加上各種各樣的裝飾,讓其而充滿生氣。回到日常生活,各位男士也能以這種方式來定義你的手袋,無論是最熱門的設計師斜挎包,還是日常的尼龍健身袋,都能為其添上個人特色。


Bag accessories, from top, $3,225, Hermès, $5,500, Hermès at Hirshleifers, $4,550, Hermès, $3,225, Hermès. Keys courtesy of Porsche, McLaren, Jeep, and Mercedes.

Bag accessories, from top, $3,225, Hermès, $5,500, Hermès at Hirshleifers, $4,550, Hermès, $3,225, Hermès. Keys courtesy of Porsche, McLaren, Jeep, and Mercedes.

若果你偏向走型格或者暗黑風格,可以看看可以參考以下例子。我們為這款Balenciaga手袋加上來自Chrome Hearts的重型鏈條,不同粗細的鏈條互相交錯,黑色和銀色也在光線下重疊,增強了皮革的做舊效果。

Bag accessories from Balenciaga (included with bag), Chrome Hearts at Hirshleifers, and Chrome Hearts.

Bag accessories from Balenciaga (included with bag), Chrome Hearts at Hirshleifers, and Chrome Hearts.

這款帶流蘇的Valentino手袋上的老花圖案與Mikimoto的稍微不對稱的珍珠串和Tiffany Hard Wear的鋪鑽鋼纜鏈搭配得剛剛好,展現出中性韻味,也適合加入出外一遊。

Lock and necklaces styled as bag accessories from Marla Aaron, Mikimoto, and Tiffany & Co.

Lock and necklaces styled as bag accessories from Marla Aaron, Mikimoto, and Tiffany & Co.

若果你家裡的手袋都是鮮豔的顏色,這款裝飾方式可能適合你。染成賽車紅的麂皮、來自Bottega Veneta編織小羊皮手袋與來自里約、羅馬及各地的眾多紀念品混搭在一起,顯得隨性而有趣,各位愛出外旅遊的男士,也能將你收集到的鑰匙扣放在袋上。

Eight-ball cluster bag accessory from Marland Backus.

Eight-ball cluster bag accessory from Marland Backus.

這款Louis Vuitton的男士皮革健身包,短而重複的橫間向巴黎的藝術橋和沿著欄杆的愛情鎖致敬,因此在上面掛上一系列金屬鎖和鑰匙,呼應場景之餘色調也與手袋互相呼應,簡單又和諧。


L.L.Bean的tote bag上掛上了各種花俏的珠子、友情手鍊和Tamagotchi,就像將tote bag的帆布當成畫布,上面盡情放上各種彩色的串珠鏈條和帶著笑臉的鑰匙扣,充滿童真又時尚。

L.L.Bean bag with accessories from Don’t Let Disco, Éliou, Hirshleifers, Ian Charms, Milne Watson, Miu Miu, MoMA Design Store, Real Atelier, and String Ting.

L.L.Bean bag with accessories from Don’t Let Disco, Éliou, Hirshleifers, Ian Charms, Milne Watson, Miu Miu, MoMA Design Store, Real Atelier, and String Ting.


Nike bag with accessories from Adam Small x 1+1=1, Bag Crap, Fry Powers, Hirshleifers, MoMA Design Store, and Nalgene.

Nike bag with accessories from Adam Small x 1+1=1, Bag Crap, Fry Powers, Hirshleifers, MoMA Design Store, and Nalgene.

Photography: Corey Olsen
Styling: Haley Gilbreath and Brandon Tan
Prop styling: Suzy Zietzmann
Special thanks to Trinity Boxing Club and Le District